Policjant cudem uniknął śmierci. To były sekundy, ten film wbija w fotel!

Ten policjant zapamięta dzień 1 maja 2023 r. do końca życia. 

Przez lekkomyślność młodzieńca siedzącego za kierownicą bmw był o włos od śmierci. Na szczęście opatrzność czuwała nad nim i wyszedł z koszmarnego zdarzenia bez żadnych obrażeń. Przerażający filmik zarejestrowały kamery radiowozu.

On May 1 around 11:38 a.m., a patrol officer was on a routine traffic stop with a gray 2012 BMW 750 Series on southbound Fairfax County Parkway prior to Braddock Rd. The 17-year-old driver of a black 2018 BMW M3 was traveling northbound on Fairfax County Parkway at a high rate of speed and lost control. The BMW spun around, crossed the median, striking the community member’s vehicle and then the officer’s vehicle. The officer was struck and nearly killed. The adult driver in the BMW 750 Series on the traffic stop was taken to the hospital with minor injuries not considered to be life-threatening and has since been released from the hospital. The officer sustained minor injuries. The juvenile driver of the BMW M3 and the two passengers sustained minor injuries. The juvenile was charged with reckless driving. We are relieved this crash did not result in a tragedy. This is an important reminder that life can change in an instant. It is the driver’s responsibility to drive safely and arrive safely. Parents and guardians should consider using this video as an opportunity to have a conversation with their teen drivers about how their driving behavior can affect the lives of others. We are committed to traffic safety and will continue to enforce traffic laws and educate drivers in an attempt to curb the senseless loss of life that occurs during preventable fatal crashes.

Opublikowany przez Fairfax County Police Department Wtorek, 2 maja 2023

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